Fractures Treatment

What is a Fracture ?
A fracture, also known as a broken bone, is a condition that changes the contour (shape) of the bone. Fractures often occur when there is a high force or impact put on a bone.
Fractures are common and can be caused by a number of things. People Break Bones in Sports Injuries, Car Accidents, Falls or from Osteoporosis (Bone Weakening Due to Aging). Although most fractures are caused by trauma, they can be "Pathologic" (caused by an underlying disease such as cancer or severe osteoporosis). There are more than one million "Fragility" fractures every year that are due to osteoporosis. Medical care is needed immediately after a bone is fractured.
What are the types of Fractures ?
There are many types of fractures :
These are the different types of partial, complete, open, and closed fractures :
What are the Causes of a Fracture ?
Fractures occur when a force that is stronger than the bone itself is applied to a bone. Fractures can occur from falls, trauma, and a direct blow to a bone. Repetitive forces caused by running can cause a fracture, as well. These running fractures are often called stress fractures; these are small cracks in the bone. Osteoporosis may also cause a fracture in older people.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Fractures Throughout the Body ?
How is a Fracture Diagnosed ?
How is a Bone Fracture Treated ?
A bone fracture which is not much displaced is treated with a cast and splint. A cast or splint will immobilize the bone (keep it from moving) in order to encourage the bones to align (straighten) and to prevent use of the bone. In some cases when the bone is small (toes or fingers), no cast is needed and the fracture is immobilized by wrapping. Medication may also be prescribed to ease the pain of the fracture.
Traction may also be used to stabilize and realign fractures before surgery. Traction uses a system of pulleys and weights to stretch the muscles and tendons around the broken bone.
If a fracture is displaced and through a major bone, patient may need surgery. Hip fractures almost always require surgery, because other treatments require that the hip remain immobilized for a long time, and often have poor results. Internal and external rods and pins may be used to hold the bone in place to allow the bones to align.
Fractures involving joints with displacement are treated by surgery with the aim for early fixation and mobilization to prevent joint stiffness, joint incongruity. The paradigm has shifted to aggressive early mobilization for faster recovery and rehabilitation in young and elderly.
With the advent of newer technologies, like image intensifier (C Arm IITV), Fractures are treated with less invasive and accurate method with the focus on early mobilization. Anusha Hospital has the latest High Frequency C arm Image Intensifier which adds to the accuracy of the treatment offered.